
Monday, November 15, 2010

Dude, Dont you know? ... I'm nuts.

I first off would like to thank those of you who have become my followers...
Thank you.
It makes me feel special, in a warm fuzzy, had to much to drink way. could be that I really have had to much to drink.
Either way, you give me warm and fuzzies. 

Now on to important things. 


Yes, the tasty treats packed with so much over processed, high in fat, additives and artificial flavors that I will most likely glow in my 80's, cupcakes.  And snow balls (or glow balls as they are known right now... think I'm joking? Look it up... they're green. I shit you not.) Zingers, Twinkies, Ding dongs... and don't  get me started on the donuts.
What can I say? I love them
 What can I say? I LOVE FOOD.
Food makes me happy, I love family gatherings, because they are filled with laughter and FOOD.

Why do I bring up Hostess, or more importantly food?
Well as we all know, in less than two weeks we will all be eating our way into a new dress size. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and after that, Christmas, and the time spent in-between the two I will be stressing over gifts, stressing that my framily is leaving me, stressing over stressing, stressing because my husband is not stressing......
And who or what will I turn too?!?!


I really think I'm struggling with an addiction here. No joke, If my life could be ran on Diet Mt Dew/Pepsi and Hostess I would be perfectly happy.(Zingers have Raspberry for you "health conscious" folks, and raspberry is a fruit.) Yes, diet soda, the evilness that is fake sugar, paired with fat, in a wrapper....
This is my food utopia.
My food reality is that I would end up  350lbs and probably a Twinkie away from a heart attack. So instead I eat like a normal, freak that I am.

But c'mon, you know the feeling, reaching into the box, tearing the wrapper off, you know what the tasty treat will taste like, it hasn't changed since I was a kid, shoot, hasn't changed since my Dad was a kid. Taking the first bite, little happy food smile crosses your lips, and you could possibly do a happy food dance, maybe not... but no one is judging.
 Hostess is my weak spot. I know its not healthy and I could really care less.
Its tasty.

 Im thankful for my family, and my friends, who love me despite my Hostess addiction.
My Name is Christina, and I'm addicted to:

....Just to name a few.


  1. LOL!
    I love Twinkies, what can I say!
    I remember as a kid the 'don't you know the filling is made with horses hooves???'......but I really don't care. Every great now and then I have one...or a few. And I LOVE me some Diet Coke- just being good while prego :)

  2. okay i totally made a blog!! yay!! it is way too much fun :)
